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Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal

It is with great honor and excitement that I get to serve Oak Harbor Intermediate and our community as the Assistant Principal! I have had the privilege of calling Oak Harbor my home for the past ten years, and there is literally no other place that I would rather be. Throughout the last six years at OHI, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with our highly passionate and dedicated team. The future for OHI is very bright and I am beyond excited that I get to be a part of that!

In my 13 years of public education, I have had the opportunity to teach in all grades 5-12. My love and passion for teaching stemmed from the truth that all students can learn, grow, and be prepared for all of life's opportunities. There is nothing more rewarding than helping a child to seek their gifts and passions that will be used to make our world and society a better place. As the Assistant Principal, I am excited that we get to continue working as a team to make this a reality for every single student!

I am also a proud husband and father of two children. My wife, Alexa, has an elementary teaching background and now teaches preschool at Whidbey Grace. My son, Liam, is 8 years old and will be going into third grade. My daughter, Rachel, is 6 years old and will be going into first grade. How they have grown up so quickly, I have no idea. They share my love for reading, playing sports, and hiking whenever possible.

I am beyond excited to serve as your Assistant Principal! Go Panthers!



Jeff Beckley

Mr. Jeffrey Beckley

Assistant Principal

Phone: 360.279.5300