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Smarter Balanced Assessment State Testing

All full-time students will be taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment state test from Monday, April 29 - Friday, May 10. Students will take each test with their homeroom class and will have as much time as they need to complete it. Students will still attend their electives (PE, Band, Art, Music) at their normal times. 

Please encourage your child to perform their best during these test dates. Tips include preparing for the night before, getting a good night’s sleep, and eating a healthy breakfast. 

On the testing days listed below, please remember to send your student to school with a set of headphones.


SBA State Testing: 

April 29  Reading CAT 
April 30  Reading PT
May 01  Make-ups
May 02  Math CAT
May 03  Math PT
May 06 Science (5th only)
May 7-10  Make-ups as needed


Make-up days:

May 01
May 7-10

SBA State Test Days