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Appointments and Services Provided

Making an Appointment


For quick questions, calling or emailing us is the fastest way to get in touch. 
Students can request to meet with their counselor in two ways.

1. Ask their teacher to fill out a "Green Sheet" in the office.

2. Use the Counselor Request button below.

Services Provided

Individual Counseling - Students can request to meet with a counselor individually. Counselors work with students most frequently related to social/emotional concerns, but also academics and career related topics.


Friendship Group meets one time per week during student recess times. This group is drop-in and designed for fun, discussion, and game time. It is designed to help to build some social skills, but it is really a place for students to connect with other students.

Deployment Support Group (DSG) -This is a chance for students to learn about the deployment cycle, some ways to deal with stressors of deployment, and connect with other students in similar situations. Deployment Support Group is run in partnership with our Military and Family Life Counselor and our Navy Partners.

Classroom Lessons are designed to address the needs of students in the building for that school year. Examples of classroom lesson topics are grief and loss, suicide prevention, and body image. Character Strong is the district adopted curriculum that addresses Social Emotional Learning (SEL) goals. Students generally receive at least one Character Strong SEL lesson per week and monthly highlights are included in the school newsletter.

Academic Support is available to all students. Counselors can help connect students to resources, find new organizational and study strategies, and find the tools that will help them be successful in school.

Mental Health Supports- Counselors are connected to many resources that support the mental health of students. For questions about resources for students and/or families, don't hesitate to reach out to us!

The mission of the OHIS counseling program is to promote student success in the school, the home, the community, and the world by facilitating resilience so students can reach their greatest potential.

OHIS Counseling Statement of Philosophy (ASCA National Model)

The counselors in OHIS believe:

  • All students have dignity and worth
  • All students have the right to participate in the school counseling program
  • All students' ethnic, cultural, racial, sexual differences and special needs are considered in planning and implementing the school counseling program

For more information regarding the American School Counseling Association's National Model click here.

Grant Finney
School Counselor
Last Names A-L 

Chandra Mays
School Counselor 
Last Names M-Z