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Pick-Up and Drop-Off Information

Transportation to/from School

Bus Transportation: Transportation Department / 360.279.5570

Regular transportation is provided for students residing outside the one-mile walking area of their home school attendance area. Please fill out the Transportation Request Form on the District website to request student transportation or to request a change to your current/previous arrangement. 

For student safety, Buddy Passes are not accepted. Students may only ride on buses specifically assigned to them. This means that students will not be permitted to ride a bus that they are not assigned to, even with a note. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Route assignments for the new school year take place at the end of August.

During the school year route assignments typically occur within 3 business days. Forms are not processed during non-school days, holidays, or breaks.

  • Transportation receives the request.
  • Transportation updates Skyward and gets added to the routing system nightly.
  • The route is manually updated.
  • Driver and parents are notified of times, bus, and location

Oak Harbor Public Schools uses an app called BusRight that will allow you to keep track of your student's school bus route to and from school directly from your smartphone. Visit the transportation page for more information.

Walking & Biking to School

The district partners with the City of Oak Harbor's Safe Routes to School program to support families with resources such as a Walking School Bus, Bike Trains, and other safe route resources. If you have any questions regarding walking and biking routes, please call our transportation staff at 360.279.5570. 

Crosswalks are located across SW Dyer Street at SW 6th Ave, across SW 6th Ave in front of the school, and from the church parking lot to the front of the school.


Drop Off/Pick Up at OHI

Please be extra cautious of both vehicle and pedestrian traffic at all options.

  • Drive up access is available via our driveway off of SW 3rd Avenue.   During pick up, please wait in line for a staff member to assist you.  
  • The parking lot at the Baptist church along the west side of school is available for short term pick up/drop off.
  • Alternative options are along SW 6th Ave and SW Dyer Street.  Please do not block school bus access.

A road was created on the east end of the school that connects 3rd Street to 6th Street.  This is mostly a two-lane and one-way road with an expanded student pick-up and drop-off area and additional parking for parents. However, as cars exit the drop-off area and get close to the main doors of the campus, the two lanes merge into one.  Please be careful during this time, watch for cars and students when merging.

There are other available drop-offs and pick-up locations around the school.  Oak Harbor Public Schools came to an agreement with the adjacent Baptist Church to allow families to use their parking spaces at the beginning and end of each school day.  Parents can also pick up and drop off on SW Dyer Street, at the cul-de-sac on Oak Harbor Street, and along 6th Street.