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Frequently Asked Questions


We are the Home of the Panthers! School colors are Scarlet & Gold

Our Panther Family is excited to welcome you and your family!



Office Phone: (360) 279-5300  /  Fax:  (360) 279-5399  

Office Hours: 8:30 a.m - 4:15 p.m.  Email:


ATTENDANCE LINE: (360) 279-5303  /


9:00 AM First Bell  -  9:10 AM Tardy Bell -  3:40 PM Dismissal (2:40 PM on Mondays)

Your child will be with their team teachers everyday and they will receive close guidance on where to go throughout the school year. 

9:10 AM: Each morning will begin with daily announcements while preparing for the day.

Math / Science / English Language Arts / Social Studies: Core content will be covered daily per district adopted curriculums with team teachers.

Electives: Your child will be enrolled in general music, art, or band. These classes alternate with PE on an A/B schedule that is posted on our website.  

  • Every Tuesday and Thursday are A days; Every Wednesday and Friday are B days  
  • A/B days alternate on Mondays.  First Monday is an A day.  See our website for A/B schedule.
  • Fifth Graders will be assigned to a trimester each of Intro to Band, Art and Music
  • Sixth Graders will be assigned to an all-year course of Band, Music or Art.  

Double Core: Your child will receive additional practice or enhanced lessons in core content areas based on their iReady Diagnostics and classroom based assessments.

Connection Time: Daily lessons will include content via CharacterStrong social-emotional district adopted learning curriculum, where students and teachers are provided an equal opportunity to speak and be listened to in order to develop relationships, build communities, and respond to conflicts and problems that arise. Additional lessons will include school wide practices like binder organization, grade checks, focused note taking, and more. 


LUNCH/RECESS: Your child will enjoy 30 minutes of lunch and 10-15 minutes of recess.  

If your homeroom teacher is…                                   You have lunch at this time on: 
You have lunch at this time on  Monday

Black     Grossman      Nelson   Mathews  Monk  

Morgan-Mueller    Mutka   Strempel    Swan  

11:25 AM 11:10 AM

Clarke     Craven     Fry     Garrett     Goebel     Jansen     Meek   

Myhre   O’Toole     Pacquette     Schmid     Tennies

12:15 PM 11:50 AM

Boswell     Child     Eckes     Geer     Karney     Kuhn     Remedios

Scheepers     Squires     Wagner

12:50 PM 12:20 PM


ATTENDANCE: Student participation in instructional activity is a priority.  Please schedule your child’s appointments outside of school hours. When your child is not well or an appointment must be made, please call the attendance secretary by 9:30AM to avoid a district absence call.  You may call (360) 279-5303 or email  Upon return, a written note must include the date and reason for the absence. The full attendance policy may be obtained via office staff and on our website.   

BUSSING/TRANSPORTATION: OHPS bussing and transportation information can be found on the district website under the Resources/Transportation tab. This must be completely yearly for service.  For any other questions, please contact the transportation team at (360) 279-5570.  

CAMPUS OPENS: For the safety of your child, adult supervision and access to buildings will be provided only during school hours. Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather if they are early and waiting outdoors.

At 8:40 AM :

  • Your child may go to the cafeteria for breakfast or to designated outdoor areas for physical activities.
  • Your child may go to the library to capacity. 
  • Your child may be allowed to go to a teacher’s classroom only with permission from the teacher.

At 9:00 AM, the school bell will ring to prompt your child to report to their class. Tardy bell is at 9:10AM.

CELL PHONE POLICY: Student learning is a priority. Cell phones MUST be turned off and put away in backpacks during the school day, including before/after school bus lines, courtyard and buildings.  A designated phone is available in the front office for phone calls. Violations of this policy will result in cell phones being taken away for the day.  Our student discipline policy will be followed with subsequent infractions.  

COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR CHILD: Messages to your child must be communicated to the office by 2:00 PM, unless it’s an emergency.  After 2:00 PM, we cannot guarantee delivery of the message.

FOOD SERVICE: Healthy meals fuel healthy minds!  Lunch payments may be made via our black lunch payment box in front of the attendance office window and must be labeled with your child’s name and lunch number.  Credit card payments are accepted online via Family Access or at our cashier’s office.  Free and Reduced Lunch program applications are available at our front office or can be submitted online through Skyward Family Access under the Food Services tab.  These applications must be resubmitted yearly.  See district website for details under the Resources/Nutrition & Meals tab.

FOOD/TREATS POLICY: Several of our children suffer from severe &/or life-threatening food allergies. Food treats for celebrations will not be accepted/distributed. We want all children to receive special recognition and have the opportunity to celebrate special occasions. Please consider an alternative “treat” such as special pencils, erasers, etc.  Thank you in advance for your understanding and thoughtfulness toward all our students.

HEALTH ROOM & MEDICATION:  Our school nursing team can be reached at (360) 279-5340.  Please communicate medical conditions and/or medications with nursing staff as soon as possible before school starts and during the year if there are any changes.

LOCKERS & PE UNIFORMS:  Lockers are not used and PE uniforms are not required at OHI. Your child should dress appropriately for activities and the weather, including appropriate footwear for PE and recess.

PICK UP AND DROP OFF:  Please be mindful of your speed and attention when driving on campus to help us ensure the safety of all students.  For detailed directions, please see our webpage or ask the front office for a copy.  Student Safety Patrol deserve your patience and respect as they keep all children safe.  We are very proud of these student leaders and their dedication to our school.  In addition, for the safety of our children, everyone must present their PHOTO

IDENTIFICATION at the front office at every visit.  We strictly adhere to this policy and carry it out the entire school year regardless if we recognize you.  Only individuals under a child’s emergency contact list are allowed to pick up that child.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES: OHI will provide most necessary supplies for your student at school; therefore, your suggested student school supply list only contains the following items: backpack, water bottle, & headphones.

TRIMESTER SCHEDULE: The OHI academic calendar runs on the school district trimester schedule.

Trimester 1 runs Sept 4 - Dec 4; Trimester 2 runs  Dec 5 - March 14; Trimester 3 runs  March 15 - June 17 

VISITING & VOLUNTEERING:  All visitors/volunteers must sign in/out in the office via the SafeVisitor computer portal which will scan your drivers license or volunteer badge upon every visit to campus beyond the front office.  All visitors must be escorted while on school premises or have valid OHPS volunteer status (applications are online and take 3-5 days for processing). Visiting classrooms must be pre-arranged directly with classroom teachers 24 hours in advance and the office must be notified.