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The Scoop: Back to School Updates

Posted Date: 8/23/24 (5:30 PM)

a blue head that reads "the scoop - your OHPS news" with an image of student and adult volunteers in a garden
Thank you to the incredible community members and students who volunteered their time this summer to beautify our campuses before the start of the school year! Your commitment to making our schools a safe, welcoming space for our students is inspiring.
district updates. stay informed
superintendent Dr. Michelle Kuss-Cybula
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
I hope you had a fantastic summer, filled with relaxation, family, friends, and maybe a little bit of sunshine. We have an exhilarating year ahead, marked by the launch of our new Strategic Plan, which puts student voice at the forefront. We are breaking ground on two new schools, funded entirely by state and federal grants, and celebrating ongoing academic improvements and comprehensive support systems for our students. We are truly grateful to be on this educational journey with you and your children.

Our new Strategic Plan will steer our district's vision, goals, initiatives, and strategies for the next five years, ensuring that every student in Oak Harbor Public Schools is empowered to learn, grow, and reach their fullest potential. A heartfelt thank you goes out to the thousands of students, staff, families, and community members who dedicated their time to this impactful process!

When we unite as #OneOakHarbor, our students can achieve anything! As we work toward the goals outlined in our new strategic plan, we invite you to be an active part of our #OneOakHarbor community. We encourage you to get involved in your school's PTA, attend events at your student's school, volunteer, or stay engaged with what's happening in your student's class, school, and district by registering with ParentSquare.

Thank you for your continued partnership in your student's education. We look forward to an exciting new school year!

Warm Regards,

Michelle Kuss-Cybula, Ed.D
white banner that reads "back to school guide" and "2024-2025 school year"
Back to School Guide
Upcoming Important Dates:
  • August 28: OHHS Freshmen Orientation | 6 p.m.
  • August 29: School Open Houses | 3:30-5:30 p.m.
  • September 4: First Day of School (Grades 1-12)
  • September 4-6: WaKIDS Kinder Family Connection Days
  • September 6: HomeConnection Welcome Back Event | 2 p.m.
  • September 9: First Day of School (Kinder, HomeConnection/OHVA)
  • September 12-13: Hand-in-Hand Parent/Student Orientation Days
  • September 18: OHHS Senior Parent Meeting | 6 p.m.
  • November 7-8: Parent-Teacher Conferences

View our Back to School Guide for information about school supplies, schedules, health services and more!
Back to School Guide
food service workers and district staff standing with packaged summer meals for families
Free Meals & New Menus!
We are excited to announce that for the 2024-2025 school year, all schools who serve students in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade (including Broad View Elementary, Crescent Harbor Elementary, Hillcrest Elementary, Oak Harbor Elementary, Olympic View Elementary, HomeConnection, and Hand-in-Hand Early Learning Center) are eligible for free school meals for all students. 

While meals will be free to students at these eligible schools, to maintain this eligibility, families must continue to complete their free and reduced-price meal applications every year. Families need to ensure their free and reduced-price lunch applications are filled out and returned to the school district as soon as possible.

Starting this year we are using Nutrislice menus. This easy-to-read online calendar can be translated into a user's preferred language and includes extended nutritional information and common allergens. These menus can also be printed in the language of choice from the same location in the format of choice - with optional filters during printing. 

Thank you to the summer food service workers who spent countless hours feeding children in our community this summer! They distributed more than 50,000 meals to families in need.
View New School Menus
group of bus drivers standing in front of a row of school busses
New Bus Route System
Bus routes have been assigned for families who have requested it. Check your email for details! 

Regular transportation is provided for students residing outside the one-mile walking area of their home school attendance area. Please fill out the Transportation Request Form to request student transportation or to request a change to your current arrangement throughout the year.

Beginning this school year, Oak Harbor Public Schools will be using a new app called BusRight that will allow you to keep track of your student's school bus route to and from school directly from your smartphone. The BusRight app will allow you to, in real-time, follow your student's bus route to and from school, receive notifications when the bus begins and ends its route, and view the expected arrival time at your student's designated bus stop. You will still receive notifications via ParentSquare of any delays longer than 15 minutes from the Transportation Department.

For any questions, please contact our transportation team at 360.279.5570.
Learn More About Bus Routes
a group of new educators standing outside in front of the district office
superintendent dr. michelle kuss-cybula speaking with new educators
Welcome, New Educators!
This week we welcomed new teachers, counselors, and speech-language pathologists to our #TEAMOneOakHarbor at our new staff orientation day.
community spirit oneoakharbor
Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula, Capt. Nathan Gammache, Mrs. Gammache, and Assistant Superintendent Dwight Lundstrom
A group of volunteers and Oak Harbor Public Schools staff discussing volunteer opportunities at a school cafeteria table
Thank you to NASWI personnel and volunteers who joined us today to discuss partnership and volunteer opportunities within our schools. As a Purple Star School District, we are proud of our relationship with NAS Whidbey Island and appreciate the hundreds of volunteer hours contributed to our schools each year.
Military Family Connections
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