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January Paws Newsletter

Posted Date: 1/09/25 (6:19 PM)

The January 2025 PAWS Newsletter for Oak Harbor Intermediate, home of the Panthers.
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Tuesday, Jan. 14th - Friday, Jan. 17th - iReady Testing
Wednesday, Jan. 15th - PTA Member Meeting
Monday, Jan. 20th - NO SCHOOL- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Friday, Jan. 24th - PTA Family Bingo Night
A yellow moving truck with boxes and a plant loaded in the back.
Moving Out of The District?
If your family is preparing to move outside of the district, please notify our attendance secretary, Mrs. Amanda Osborn, Two (2) weeks prior to your last day.

We would like to make your transition from our school to your new one as smooth as possible!

If you have any questions , please contact Mrs.Amanda Osborn at 360-279-5309 or by email at

Student Assistant Professional
Happy New Year from the Oak Harbor Intermediate Counseling Team! January is National Thank You Month!

The Character Strong trait for the Month of January is Perseverance

One way to think about Perseverance is “pushing yourself through challenges and obstacles.” We all experience challenges in our lives. We all have moments when we feel like we can’t do it or that we want to give up on a big task. It is important to develop tools that help us work through those challenges in order to grow in those moments instead of giving up.  

Character Strong Newsletter

Students will be using TOP Goals in their SEL lessons this month.  

TOP stands for…

  • Target: Visualize your goal and think about why this is important for you.
  • Obstacles: Plan for Obstacles/Challenges. If _________ gets in the way, then what can you do?
  • Plan: Create 3 action steps you will need to take to complete your goal.  

Classroom Lessons this Month!

Counselors will be going into Classes this Month to teach the lesson: Send the Message: My Body is Private. This lesson is from the district adopted Great Body Shop curriculum. 

Please contact your student’s counselor if you have questions/concerns.

Student last names A-L: Grant Finney-
Student last names M-Z: Chandra Mays-

What it is

Norovirus is a very contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea.
It is sometimes called the "stomach flu" or the "stomach bug." However, norovirus illness is not related to the flu. The flu is caused by the influenza virus. Norovirus causes acute gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach or intestines.

Most people with norovirus illness get better within 1 to 3 days; but they can still spread the virus for a few days after.

Signs and Symptoms

A person usually develops symptoms 12 to 48 hours after being exposed to norovirus.
  • Most common symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain
  • Other symptoms: Fever, headache, and body aches


If you have norovirus illness, you can feel extremely ill, and vomit or have diarrhea many times a day. This can lead to dehydration (loss of body fluids), especially in young children, older adults, and people with other illnesses. Symptoms of dehydration include:
  • Decreased urination
  • Dry mouth and throat
  • Feeling dizzy when standing up
  • Crying with few or no tears
  • Unusual sleepiness or fussiness
If you have norovirus illness, you should drink plenty of liquids to replace fluid lost from vomiting and diarrhea. This will help prevent dehydration.

How it Spreads

Norovirus spreads very easily and quickly in different ways. You can get norovirus by:

  • Having direct contact with someone with norovirus, like caring for them, sharing food or eating utensils with them, or eating food handled by them.
  • Eating food or drinking liquids that are contaminated with norovirus.
  • Touching contaminated objects or surfaces and then putting your unwashed fingers in your mouth.
You can still spread norovirus for 2 weeks or more after you feel better.


Norovirus is very contagious, but you can take steps to protect yourself and others, including:

  • Wash your hands well and often.
  • Cook shellfish thoroughly and wash fruits and vegetables.
  • Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces.
  • Wash laundry in hot water.
  • Stay home when sick for 2 days (48 hours) after symptoms stop.

Treatment and Recovery

Most people with norovirus illness get better within 1 to 3 days. There is no specific medicine to treat people with norovirus illness. Antibiotic drugs will not help treat norovirus infections because they fight bacteria, not viruses.

For more information please visit
Emergency contact
Emergency Contacts

Oak Harbor Public Schools knows life happens and sometimes that means changes you might want to share with your school. Please contact our school office if you have updates for your child's information profile regarding personal contacts - including guardians and designated emergency contacts names, relationships and phone numbers.

Election day is approaching on February 11. Voters will consider renewing our current levy to provide funding for our school. 

This levy renewal supports the following programs and services that make OHI a special place for our students to learn and grow:

🎨 Student Activities – Clubs, Art, Choir, Band, and Intramurals
👩‍🏫 Student Support – School Dean, paraeducators, and smaller class sizes
❤️ Health & Safety – School nurses and counselors

Don’t forget to vote on February 11!
A sign that reads 'FOOD SERVICES' hangs above a cartoon image of a sandwich, milk, apple, and banana.
Food Service Inquires
For any food service related questions, including balance, please contact Wendy Pleasance at